Terri Fox ART SERVICES, Inc.
Artist Connection
We maintain contact with a large variety of artist that can help you fill the gap in storyline content and scheduling.
Helping to connect collectors & galleries to artist .
I consider myself an artist who predominantly deals with linear black and white drawings. Even my color paintings are, at heart, line drawings. There is a beauty in the simplicity of capturing the essence of a thing, of a person, of a place, in three or four lines. My dream of perfection would be to capture the spirit of the entire world in one line with a simple flick of the brush — an impossibility, I am sure, but one never knows.
Andy Coughlan, artist
A few years ago, after returning to live in Germany, I came up with the imaginary scenario in which I placed myself wandering in an American desert. My paintings are an attempt to come up with visual answers to this imagined situation. I use books, films and photos to help transport me back to the American West where I have traveled since 2011, and to particular memories of Death Valley when I was a child. This scenario allows me to explore various themes: symbols of the American West, human presence in nature, personal fears, my connection to my homeland and death.
A sculptor of enormous vision, David designs and constructs his carved wooden pieces and structural steel elements to create larger than life insects
as well as other elements for botanical gardens and nature centers across the United States. Inspired by his sensitivity, contact, and sense of play in the natural world, he creates the most child friendly and engaging environment to explore the deeper lessons of life.
David Rogers
Big Bugs, Inc.